This name was originated by one of our founding members in regards to a memory of his Grandpaw. “When I was young my papaw always had a way of making you smile, one way was to put a twist on words that you would say. People thought he couldn’t hear, but in actuality he was just messing with everyone all the time. One night we were at our cabin listening to local football game, and went to sleep prior to the end. The next mornin as I awoke to go squirrel hunting on my own for the first time, I asked if he knew what the final score was his reply was “if you see one shoot one” , later when I returned “well didn’t see any” papaw said “Nope didn’t find out the score” as I grew older that was always a family joke whenever someone said something off the wall you’d say “See One Shoot One”. It’s just a reminder to not be so serious and enjoy the moment every chance you get. So get outdoors and if you see one shoot one, but don’t forget to enjoy the process.”